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“Behold the blameless man, and consider the upright, because for the man of peace there is a happy future”

                                        (Psalms 37:37)


"The human being is a part of the Spirit of God. By purifying it, let us bring it back to its original state." 

                                             (O Pão N. de C. Dia. p. 45)



4. Adam and Eve


The theme refers to primordial man, it is based on him, imagining the conditions in which he lived, what his diet was like, his behavior, etc. Based on these assumptions, ask yourself what a paradisiacal man must be like? And so seek to prepare ourselves to qualify for the New Era.

Spiritually - meditating on the sayings attributed to Christ, one finds much wisdom and a path to necessary elevation that purifies the spirit, together with the practice of his teachings and assimilation of his strong sense of justice. He is the example of the paradisiacal, Celestial being.


Physically - it is necessary to prepare the human body for the new relationship with the Spiritual Plane: perform regular exercises, avoid as much as possible the intake of alcoholic beverages - allowing its social-recreational use, sporadically and moderately in special moments of celebration - and drink plenty of water; seek to breathe fresh air and also avoid emitting air and noise pollution.


Special care in food intake, making the best effort in the consumption of organic products, preferably from totally natural agriculture, where no pesticides, fertilizer or manure are used; only natural compounds, respecting the strength of the soil. It is interesting to maintain a home garden with these parameters.


Natural Farming -
Natural products -


The change of cycle in the Divine Plan is a supernatural event, it may occur at the end of this era, a slight metaphysical reaccommodation, it is important that we prepare ourselves. We need to gradually adapt the physical body to this evolution, and, at the same time, avoid early death during the transition phase. Synthesizing understanding, we need to purify the body and the spirit.



5. The Spiritual World


Invisible World, World of Spirits, Hidden World among other names, refers to a primordial ethereal realm originating from Almighty God. It has, among some specificities, that of manifesting the Divine Will. Today, by natural convention, it is better known as the Spiritual World.

Some religions pointed to its existence and even mentioned something about its constitution. Except for some cases of incorporation and certain episodes that refer to his domain, little was said about him in the Bible. There are records of great Christian religious, who, through their application of meditation on the Scriptures and virtuous practices, manifested a supernatural force in their pastoral activity, pointing to the existence of something hidden.

Although we know little about its nature, the Spiritual World exerts a great influence on our lives and on all events that occur in the

Material World. That is why it is important to seek to understand its parameters, and how we can behave when understanding how it works to improve the destiny of our lives. This moment has already arrived and God has presented us with such information through the last religion.



6. The Holy Spirit


Spirit of the Lord, Spirit of the Son of the Lord, Holy Spirit of God, Holy Spirit of Comforter. There are several titles for the Divine Particle that the Creator of the Universe grants to each person. Its function is to determine the highest good in human life.

God constantly issues orders to man to direct him to the perfect path and the fulfillment of his mission on earth. More important than the discussion about its nature or ideal appointment, is the constant observance in carrying out practices that strengthen its role in our lives.

At this critical moment in which we live, it is important that we double our efforts to keep it active in our daily lives, for the sake of our salvation and to better serve the Divine Cause, in His endeavor to save as many people as possible, leading them to Paradise.

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