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“Through his limited vision, man cannot perceive the plan drawn up by God to correct the errors of Heaven and Earth.”

“Although the salvation of humanity is His work, God accomplishes it through man.”

“God assigned to human beings, the noblest of all beings, the mission of building the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.”

"From the beginning of Creation, God outlined His Plan for the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth"


                                                                                        ​  (Maxims, Messianic)

Collaborate for a better world, commit your BODY and SOUL to the Construction of the Pillars that will transform this world into Paradise with the arrival of the Kingdom. In Brazil we have representation of all the people of the world, it is a special nation in the Divine project. A Sacred Ground has already been built here, but now, with the participation of all who believe, 04 (four) more Prototypes of Paradise will be created. Other nations should contact us via the link: and express their desire to take this Work to their locality.


Share with the honorable fruit of your labor:
Paradise Prototypes - Sacred Grounds:






It is difficult for us to imagine human life before discovery,

evolution, distribution and use of electricity,

But we know how bad the disruption of their supply is today.






Your constant thought, strong desire, empower us in the Invisible Plane and your honest contribution increases the strength of this Action's action in the Visible World.


Particularly Ecumenical, it aims to make accessible foods that carry in their essence the purest primordial energy. Share this goal:


                          Client Code



                           Agency 0001

                                                Account 4952973-0


​Ação Ecumênica do Paraíso

CNPJ: 55.246.418/0001-75 






Prophets were like beacons in the darkness; but at dawn,

when you sharpen your vision,

you see the path ahead!



Coming soon


--> Daylight <--


A space to promote our work.




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