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 “For I know the plans that I am planning for you, says Jehovah;
plans of peace and not of evil,
to give you a future and hope”


                                                                      (Jeremiah 29:11) 


Using a technology operator, a political agent and a city as a signal; the Creator presents the 12 themes to the body of His church.



1. The Divine Plan


At the moment of the creation of the universe, the primordial ethereal kingdoms also expanded, along with the structures that formed the cosmos, all under the Creator's domain. After the stabilization of our planet and the processes that made it habitable, life began.

Dictated by an ethereal kingdom of the Creator, the human species begins to evolve and differentiate itself from other beings. After a few stages, the improvement of his intellect began, in parallel with his coexistence in primitive social groups. Already more evolved, organized, the first steps towards spiritual development were taken.

Now as the most developed ancient civilization and a reasonably evolved invisible world, the Almighty creates the religions that will direct the peoples in their spiritual, moral, ethical, social, political, philosophical, scientific, artistic, etc. evolution; until the next evolutionary cycle of humanity.



2. Good and Evil


I believe that everyone already has a keen know ledge on the subject. But he had probably not yet been approached vehemently about his role in religion. Since good is the very expression of the practice of faith, I will speak only about the influence of evil on pastoral activity.


Evil tempted Jesus Christ in the wilderness, the Christ resisted his attacks and followed the path determined by the Most High. But evil has changed its strategy, cunning as it is, it has focused its action on the heart of spreading the faith. The Divine Writings have distorted the concise knowledge of the Truth, consequently altering the practical result. Today's civilization has reached only two-thirds of its potential, and it would not be frivolous to assign most of the blame to the performance of religions.

In Christianity, due to the way the Bible was compiled, it made possible cases of exclusions, some properly, others not. Still, some speeches attributed to the Savior, its symbolism, although it seems not so difficult to understand, need constant reflection to grasp the real meaning; Of course, there were reasons for the latter to be so, and promoting the elevation of spiritual perception is one of them. In addition, it is important to revisit the manuscripts that resurfaced in the mid-twentieth century.


In Islam, since his Book was completed during the Messenger's lifetime, there were no cases of exclusion. But, after the departure of the Prophet Muhammad, some of his followers contaminated the mission of this religion, creating certain books that distort the original purpose. The Divine Will for this moment that precedes the great event is that they stick only to the Quran and burn such seeds of evil, as they are incompatible with the Divine Plan, which will transform this world into Paradise and which has discreetly already been initiated, as disclosed now.



3. The Gardens of Eden


In the possible physical and spiritual conditions of what the Biblical Paradise, the Garden of Eden, was like, lies the secret to transforming this world into Paradise. The Lord God, Creator of the Universe, has given us the task of restoring the planet to the closest possible conditions to the Garden of Eden described in the Book of Genesis.

At least one Prototype of Paradise must be built in each nation, where the purification of the soil and spiritual atmosphere will be carried out, in accordance with the instructions given to the last religion. These Sacred Grounds – Prototypes of Paradise will serve as a basis, foundations for the coming of the Kingdom of Heaven that will transform this world into Paradise, inaugurating a new time of peace and harmony.

It will be an unprecedented event in our history, a supernatural event, from our current point of view. Everyone who wants to live in Paradise must contribute the worthy fruit of their labor.

Those who believe it or not, but participate in this Work, even at a level of curiosity, will soon notice lightness in their lives. Everyone who undertakes this endeavor will have their passport stamped and free access to the “Customs of Great Eden”.


Paradise Prototypes -

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